Effective New Year’s Resolutions

Effective New Year’s Resolutions

The Statistic Brain Research Institute reports that 41% of Americans usually make New Year’s Resolutions and about 9% of people report that they are successful achieving their resolutions. A pretty low success rate to be sure, but other research suggest that...
The Fifth Taste

The Fifth Taste

There are a number of factors which effect a food’s flavor:  taste, smell, color, temperature, texture, spiciness or hotness, appearance and psychological effects.  Taste is sensed by the taste buds which are found on the upper surface of the tongue.  Our sense of...
What Will the Stock Market Return in 2018?

What Will the Stock Market Return in 2018?

What will the stock market do in 2018? Nobody knows. Ignore those making predictions.  However, here’s today’s interesting fact based on data since 1926: Thus, just based on historical probabilities, it’s probably going to be up next year. But a...
Santa’s Reindeer

Santa’s Reindeer

Merry Christmas! Today’s IFOD contains a Reindeer joke and then a few interesting facts about Reindeer. The joke, courtesy of the flight attendant on my Southwest flight last week: “Which of Santa’s reindeer is a dinosaur’s least...

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